Morning-after pill should be sold without 'embarrassing' consultation

The morning-after pill should be made available to buy off the pharmacy shelf to avoid "unnecessary and embarrassing" consultations, experts have said.
Women in the UK can pay £30 for the birth-control tablet - up to five times more than women in Europe - according to the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS).
This is partly because of the mandatory consultation required at UK pharmacists before the pill can be bought.
BPAS said the pill can cost as little as seven euro (£6) in France, and is available to buy straight from the shelf in other countries including the US.
Ann Furedi, BPAS chief executive, said it was a "sexist surcharge" and called on the Department of Health to launch a review.
She said: "It is utterly stupid that we have made a medication which gives women a second chance of avoiding an unwanted pregnancy so hard to obtain.
"There is no financial justification for the high price of this pill, nor clinical reason for a consultation before it can be sold.
"Many women find the discussion with a pharmacist before the are allowed the pill intensely embarrassing and it is entirely unnecessary as there are no circumstances where its use would be unsafe."
There are two kinds of emergency contraceptive pill - Levonelle must be taken within three days of sex and ellaOne within five days.
The medication works by preventing or delaying ovulation. It can be obtained without charge by visiting a GP or a sexual health clinic, but this is no practical for many women, BPAS argued.
Sandra Gidley, chairwoman of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society's English Board, said: "Having a discussion with the pharmacist is central to providing emergency contraception.
"It further supports a woman to consider her future use of contraception, her risk of sexually transmitted infections and help with any other sexual health questions she may have."
A spokesman for the Department of Health said: "Emergency contraception is available free of charge from general practice, sexual health clinics and from some community pharmacies.
"We are clear it is only for use in emergencies and we have no plans to change the system."


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