Could the WikiLeaks CIA files be a blessing for national security?

The most revealing thing to come from the WikiLeaks CIA files was the news that a Samsung TV can be used as a listening device by the CIA.
It is jaw dropping, not because it is so close to home, but because it is actually in the home. If the CIA can do it - who else can?
The CIA leaks would seem to be evidence that the internet of things is in fact the internet of vulnerabilities. We are more compromised than perhaps we ever dared acknowledge.
"Why would anyone care about how many times I heat up my cup of coffee?" says Jennifer Acuri, an ethical hacker.
"And you're right: no one does. But if I can compromise your inbox to your email through your microwave, well that gives me a whole lot of information about you - possibly your banking details, where you work, your schedule.

"As more and more devices become smart we will start to see attacks through CCTV cameras, your microwaves, your washing machines, your kettles. All of these things are connected into networks which are pretty much a walk in the park for any attacker to come in and compromise."
A few weeks ago the new National Cyber Security Centre was opened in central London, and part of its remit is to address this very modern challenge.
That is, if the home is vulnerable, so too is the country. But, most of what we've learnt so far from the CIA leaks isn't new.
It might be to the everyday person, like me, but to cyber experts and intelligence officers, this technology and these capabilities have been around for a few years.
Sati Bains, a cyber analyst, says he doesn't believe the technology companies are complicit: "Do I believe the likes of Samsung have been involved with a government power of some sort to basically attack systems? No, I don't.
"Do I believe their code base is so big that weaknesses occur? Yes, I do. So basically I put it down to (the fact) they could do better testing and they could do more frequent testing.

"They're also talking about attacking machines that aren't internet connected by creating code that's imbedded within images and within documents.
"It executes once it's close to a machine - regardless of whether it's internet connected or not - and reports that information back afterwards.

"Now, this is nothing new in the security world but it does take it one step further."
Just over 24 hours on from the leaks, there is still one pertinent outstanding question: who was behind it?
A disgruntled insider? An Edward Snowden type? Or something bigger, like a state? Russia perhaps?
Everyone has stayed unusually quiet on this - the CIA, the British government, Donald Trump...
But privately there is a lot of work going on to establish who was behind it, and what their motive was.
There is one interesting twist to this, put to me by someone in the government.
Now that this has been revealed in such a public manner, rather than weakening national security, could it have the opposite effect?
If people wake up to the reality that smart TVs and smartphones are vulnerable to attack, then surely that's a good thing?


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