Snake on a plane! Passenger leaves reptile behind after Alaska flight

Of all the announcements passengers on an Alaskan commuter flight expected to hear, being told there was a snake on the plane probably wasn't one of them.
But that's what seven people on a Ravn Alaska flight between the village of Aniak and the city of Anchorage heard over the intercom.
The reptile was spotted by a little boy, who was climbing on his seat when he spotted the sleeping snake partially covered by a duffel bag at the back of the plane.

The pale snake was about 4 to 5 feet long and, unlike the film Snakes on a Plane, luckily was not poisonous.
According to passenger Anna McConnaughy passengers remained remarkably calm at the announcement.
After a discussion with the pilot on how to catch the snake a flight attendant grabbed it by the belly and dropped it into a plastic rubbish bag.

The snake then spent the remainder of the journey sleeping peacefully in an overhead luggage compartment and the plane landed in Anchorage on schedule.
The snake had been left behind by a passenger on an earlier flight, who had forgotten to take his pet with him when he left the plane.


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